If you are here reading my profile it means that somehow destiny brought you here and you just can't ignore the signal inside yourself) you can try to, but may be it won't let you sleep..may be in parallel universe you are already my husband and we are not wasting our time on communication on-line..we have our sweet nest where we can do whatever we want! we are adults and deserve to be totally happy, no matter what we are in charge of our own choices and we get the consequences of our every day choice...to write to this woman or not..to make this important call or not..to help this beggar or not...those choices lead us to the life we have- empty house, no job or a wife waiting for you from the job you love. I hope you understand what I mean and believe that our everyday choice even in little things can lead us to happy life or not..it's all about the priorities and life we do really want....