Kurt: I am a very romantic, serious, nice, attentiv...

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I am a very romantic, serious, nice, attentive, loving and caring man that just so much want to find a wife and have childtren, i know my dreamgirl is on this site so now i just have to get her, I have just put on two new pictures I toke today so Art_lover can see if I am still of interest because the other pictures are old, if then shhe can find me and contact me
Описание идеального партнера:
my ideal match is for sure a young girl that are ready for marriage and to have children, the most importen in this life is to have a wife and children that forever will be anything to me. Jeg har lige lagt 2 nye billeder på min profile da de andre er gamle og så må vi jo se om jeg stadig er ok ?? men hvis ja så kan du jo kontakte mig

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Profile of knoppen, from Aalborg, Дания

  • 59 лет мужчина, Зодиак: Телец
  • Aalborg, Дания
  • Английский(Хорошо), Датский(Свободно), Немецкий(Очень плохо)
  • salesman
  • без детей
  • Был(а) в онлайне: 19 июня 2024 г.
Private details and contact information
Личная информация
Пол мужчина
Дети без детей
Хочу завести еще детей Да
Рост 5'10" - 5'11" (176-180см)
Тип тела Среднее
Этническая принадлежность Европеоид
Религия Христианин
Матримониальное положение не замужем/холост
Образование Высшее
Доход $30,000-$50,000/в год
Курильщик Нет
Пьющий Нет
Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
Я ищу женщина
Ищу в возрасте 18-28
Ищу, требования к росту
Ищу, требование к типу телосложения Стройное
Знакомство Брак
I am a very romantic, serious, nice, attentive, loving and caring man that just so much want to find a wife and have childtren, i know my dreamgirl is on this site so now i just have to get her, I have just put on two new pictures I toke today so Art_lover can see if I am still of interest because the other pictures are old, if then shhe can find me and contact me
Описание идеального партнера:
my ideal match is for sure a young girl that are ready for marriage and to have children, the most importen in this life is to have a wife and children that forever will be anything to me. Jeg har lige lagt 2 nye billeder på min profile da de andre er gamle og så må vi jo se om jeg stadig er ok ?? men hvis ja så kan du jo kontakte mig